How we run sessions

Peer Support Groups with a horse
Supported by Mind Charity
This is not therapy, but a place to speak to like
minded people who have or are experiencing similar things
For adults - 18 years and older
Winter and Autumn - Take place 6.30pm - 8.30pm
Summer - For those that wish to, an opportunity to go for a walk before the meeting starts. The walk is from 6pm - 7pm, and the meeting from 7pm - 9pm​
See testimonial

Equine Assisted Psychotherapy ​
Collaborative effort between horses and treatment team working with clients and horses to address treatment goals
Ground based, i.e. no riding or horsemanship involved
Treatment team (accredited therapist and experienced equine specialist)
- ground based, i.e. no riding or horsemanship involved
Groups - kept small
Individual - treatment plan tailored for each client
Risk Assessments carried out - find out why
Stay within our scope of experience - we believe it would be highly unethical and unprofessional not to
Discuss with treatment team, then discuss with clinical supervisor if necessary
EAGALA Model of facilitation https://vimeo.com/195710450
Metaphoric processing
See testimonial

Personal Development ​
Use the EAGALA model to facilitate sessions
Facilitated by a treatment of an accredited therapist and experienced equine specialist
These can be a powerful intervention, where a personal development session can soon become a Psychotherapy session, so it is vital to have a accredited therapist and experienced equine specialist, to manage the wellbeing of client(s) and horses
- See testimonial