Why Choose Us?

Unique - We are the ONLY Equine Therapy organisation who specialises in Depression and Anxiety
Wellbeing - We believe in the importance of self care. All our facilitators have regular Clinical Supervision, to manage their own wellbeing.
Lived Experience - Our Founder is proof that horses help, and that Depression and Anxiety does not have to be a life sentence. Also, we have board of directors who have experienced this, and so we know what you have been through.
EAGALA - an international organisation established 1999, whose model of facilitating in Equine Assisted Psychotherapy and personal development sessions we are trained to follow. They have strict code of ethics, we abide by, and have an ethics board we are accountable to.
Horses Wellbeing - Horses are intuitive and will take on clients emotions. To allow horses to recuperate ,and not burnout ,we run a certain number of sessions a day.
Proof - There is evidence based research on the Equine Assisted Psychotherapy model we use.
Outcomes on our program. If you would like to see our report on results, please contact us
Safeguarding and ethical - strict safeguarding procedures to ensure we work with clients with whom we have experience and training in supporting. If client(s) needs are outside of our scope of experience, we feel it would be unsafe and unethical to work with them
Clinical governance approach - risk management, audit, training of treatment team, evidence/ outcome based, client management, and highly trained treatment team